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A group of Jewish scholars asked Ali, the first successor of

the Muslim Prophet, and his answers, which led to the conversion of Jews to Islam


A group of Jews attacked him during the caliphate of Umar and said to him: Are you the successor after your prophet 
We came to ask you some questions. If you answer us, we will believe in Islam and acknowledge you. Omar said: Ask what you think

The elders of the Jews said: Tell us about the seven locks of heaven and its keys, and tell us about the grave that moved with its owner, tell us about the one who warned his people that he was neither of the jinn nor of man. Tell us about the place where the sun rose and did not return to it, tell us about the five that were not born in the womb, tell us about one, about two, about three, four, five, six, seven. Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve?

Umar became silent and lowered his head and did not answer and apologized and said: Only God knows these issues, but the cousin of the Messenger of God, Ali, answers them. So he sent someone to look for him. When he was ready, Umar said to him: O Ali, the Jews asked me some questions, I did not answer them, they guaranteed that if we tell them the answer, they will believe in the Prophet (PBUH). So the Jews raised their issues and it is as follows:


The Jewish elders asked: What are the locks of the heavens?
Ali replied: Shirk to God.
The Jewish elders asked: What are their keys?
Ali replied: "There is no God but God."
The Jewish elders asked: What is the grave that moved with its owner?
Ali answered: The fish that Yunus was in his belly and was feeding in the seven seas.
The Jewish elders asked: Who was the one who scared his people, who was neither from the jinn nor from the human?
Ali replied: That ant was during the time of Suleiman bin Dawood.
The Jewish elders asked: What was the position on which the sun shone once and did not shine on it again?
Ali answered: It was the sea that Moses struck with his staff by God's will and it split ((When the sea split, the sun shone on the bottom of the sea)) and saved his companions and drowned Pharaoh.

The Jewish elders asked: What were the five who were not born in the womb?
Ali answered: Adam and Eve, Moses' staff, Saleh's goat, Abraham's ram.
The Jewish elders asked: What is one?
Ali replied: God is the only one who is angry.
The Jewish elders asked: Which are the two?
Ali replied: Adam and Eve.
The Jewish elders asked: Which are the three?
Ali replied: Gabriel, Mikael and Israfil.
The Jewish elders asked: Which are the four?

Ali answered: Torah, Bible, Psalms and Furqan.
The Jewish elders asked: What are the five?
Ali replied: The five obligatory prayers for the Prophet (PBUH).
The Jewish elders asked: What are the six?
Ali answered: The Almighty God said: (We created the heavens and the earth and what is between them in six days) [refer to Surah 50 of the Qur'an, verse 38]: We created the heavens and the earth and everything between them in six days.
The Jewish elders asked: What are the seven?
Ali answered: The Almighty God said: (And we saw seven times above) [refer to Surah 78 of the Prophet of the Qur'an, verse 14]: We have built seven heavens above you.
The Jewish elders asked: Which are the eight?

Ali replied: The Almighty God said: (And the throne of your Lord will be lifted up on the eighth day) [refer to Surah 69 of the Qur'an, verse 17]: And eight angels will carry the throne of your Lord on their heads on that day.
The Jewish elders asked: Not until what?
Ali replied: The nine verses revealed to Musa bin Imran.
The Jewish elders asked: Which are the ten?
Ali answered: The Almighty God said: (We promised Moses three nights and we promised him ten nights) [refer to Surah 7 A'raf, verse 142]: We made a promise to Moses for thirty nights and completed it with another ten nights.
The Jewish elders asked: Which is the eleventh?
Ali replied: Yusuf said to his father: (Inni raiyat 11 stars) [refer to Surah 12 Yusuf verse 4]: I saw eleven stars in my dream.
The Jewish elders asked: Which is twelve?

Ali replied: The Almighty God said to Moses: (Strike the stone with your staff, and it will blow out of me ten times) So twelve springs began to boil from it.

            Jewish elders converted to Islam after hearing Ali's answers

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